Monday, January 7, 2013


Current Song: Raccoon Boys-Thriller

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Honestly if I wasn't afraid of singing in public, I would totally take vocal lessons and start something. But fear is probably the biggest obstacle in life.

Today it has come to my attention that the boy that I have some interest in does not talk to me about Jesus. And that bothers me. Jesus is my homeboy...The reason why I don't date is that I find it a waste if it's not the person that I'm meant to be with. And yes I understand that dating brings experience and etc. It's not like I haven't contemplated dating someone seriously. It's just that no one really had the greatest quality of all, loving Jesus. I realize that sometimes you just don't talk about Jesus on a daily basis. But how many days out of these many have not talked about Jesus. Nothing, zip.

Today it took me three hours to complete seven Advanced Functions questions. I had a guidance appointment and my guidance counsellor (Who is Christian!) told me I should drop Calculus. Yes, I would love to drop Calculus too Missus, but I cannot. I must take six courses, three a semester and I'd only have two courses if I dropped Calculus. So now I am here sitting in my chair praying that God can bring me to review mathematics. I have planned out the next 25 days (Days Until Exam) into countless review. Sigh, Whitney will have a busy month of January.

I'm going back to work tomorrow. I miss the kids and my co-workers so I'm actually quite excited. I got my close church friend a job at the daycare I work at and my boss gave him $5 more in our Christmas cards. I know that isn't that much but it sort of hurts, you know? I'm trying to let it go, but that friend of mine has done some gutsy and irresponsible things to me so it sort of bothers me. 

To anyone who has the voice and capability to rap, props to you. I wish I could rap too. But all I have is my somewhat better than average singing ability. Rap is amazing I'm not going to lie. I recommend NAK, Gowe and of course, MC Jin. Those artists are my secret awesome songs.

My devotion today was about reading the bible and equipping yourself with God's word. This is sort of like second nature to me. I know that I should read the Bible but I get lazy y'know? And then there's that extra problem of mine: I can't find my Bible! My Bible is pretty special to me too, besides the fact that it is God's word. My cousin from Vancouver came to Toronto with a Missions Team and they bought me this Bible. It's pink and it's a journalling Bible. It's quite beautiful I must admit. It's not super feminine which I like. Ah, I miss my Bible.

First day back at school honestly wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.
Thank you JC!

I'm going to try to read The Fault In Our Stars or watch some drama now.
Praying that tomorrow will be another great day.


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